Fix the Ditch – Workshop #2

The kick off workshop for the BQE ‘Fix-the-Ditch’ was a tremendous success. Now it’s time to bring that energy back for Round 2 when the project team will present initial conceptual plans and ask for feedback.

When: Tuesday, July 20th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Long Island College Hospital (LICH), Avram Conference Center, Rooms A & B, 339 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

Please see two presentations that have been posted on EDC’s website for background on the project, including:
1)    The presentation from the 5.4.10 meeting on EDC’s website.
2)    A draft summary of the 5.4.10 workshop–we will refine and present it on 7.20.10