Become a leader with the Cobble Hill Association!

Since its inception over fifty years ago, the Cobble Hill Association has been a strong, effective community organization that works with local residents and elected officials to ensure the highest quality of life in Cobble Hill. From creating and maintaining our coveted Cobble Hill park to preserving the historic character of our brownstone buildings, from supporting our local elementary school P.S. 29 to envisioning new connections to our waterfront, the Cobble Hill Association unites the neighborhood and now welcomes your fresh ideas with an open call for nominations to form its new Executive Board of officers for the 2012 – 2014 term.

The Cobble Hill Association’s Nominating Committee invites all interested residents to join an open meeting on Monday, April 

30th at 7pm in the Cobble Hill Community Room at 250 Baltic Street, just off Court Street. Come with questions and ideas, so that the committee can discuss your potential for filling one of the seven positions on the executive board. 

President — leads meetings & represents the CHA in an official capacity at civic meetings, hearings, etc.

First VP 

— serves as chief of staff for President
Second VP
 — heads up events and social activities
 — controls the CHA’s finances
Recording Secretary
 — keeps meeting minutes
Corresponding Secretary
 — responsible for the general correspondence and the meeting notices of the organization
Membership Secretary
 — encourages new members, & maintain database of existing membership

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about becoming a leader of the Cobble Hill Association’s executive board, please send them to: