After months identifying several dangerous street conditions in our area, members of the Cobble Hill Association discussed potential improvements, collectively formed a presentation with several ideas for solutions, and then brought it to the Department of Transportation. Thankfully, last week an important element of the CHA’s plan got a unanimous vote of approval from Community Board 2’s Traffic and Transportation Committee, and will now allow the DOT to improve the intersection of Pacific and Court streets.As the image above makes it clear, vehicles already park in the Northeast corner’s existing “No Standing Zone.” This creates a severe danger to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists all merging at the intersection. The CHA believes an installation of on-street bicycle parking could offer a 24/7 solution that would not only enforce the existing “No-Standing” regulation but also addresses the demand for bicycle parking from Trader Joe’s and other retailers. With the new Atlantic Avenue BID signed on as a maintenance partner, DOT agreed, and now thankfully CB2’s endorsement has given the project a green light.
This was by no means the only idea the CHA proposed to make our streets safer. Other suggestions include additional crosswalks on Court street at Congress street, adjusting parking regulations in front of Trader Joe’s to allow more loading and unloading without double parking, and adding neckdowns at the Amity/Dean intersection across Court Street (first with planters and paint, eventually with expanded sidewalks). Click to view that full presentation, and stay tuned to this blog for progress as each step moves forward.