CHA Flickr photo pool

We are pleased to announce the launch of the CHA’s Flickr photo pool. (Yes, that is regrettably how they spell it.) Here is the address:

If you have a Flickr account, please join the group ‘Cobble Hill History’.

We invite everyone to add their photos of Cobble Hill, past and present, to the pool. We would like this to become a community resource of neighborhood visual history.

If you share photos in the pool, please tag and name the photos with the following helpful information: street, year, event, and anything else that would aid searching by others. Example: a photo of Halloween 2008 on Clinton Street would be ‘Clinton Street, 2008, Halloween’.

Many thanks to Jennifer Wiese for overseeing the pool and to Franklin Stone for uploading many lovely photos of Halloween 2008.

Thanks for joining the pool.
