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CHA BMT Neighborhood Meeting

April 3 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

Christ Church, 326 Clinton Street

The Task Force for the Brooklyn Marine Waterfront (BMT) redevelopment process is scheduled to vote on the proposed site plan on April 11th. Things have changed pretty significantly from where this process started, to what we presented at our November meeting, to where things are now. The CHA has endeavored to keep the community updated, and gather your feedback through multiple forms of communication. But nothing beats an in-person conversation. Join us in person on Thursday, April 3rd, from 6pm-8pm at Christ Church (326 Clinton Street) to discuss the most recent proposals and the various trade-offs involved. Please RSVP below so we know how many people to expect and click the button to add this to your calendar.

Given the short notice, we will also be broadcasting via zoom. Register for the zoom here. We will not be able to monitor the chat for questions, so if you are planning to attend virtually, please include them with your rsvp below.

Finally, please be sure to view the other sections of our website on BMT, the CHA BMT Survey Summary, and the CHA BMT Position Statement.


Christ Church

326 clinton street
brooklyn, NY 11201 United States
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