A complete list of CHA presidents since 1958 is below. Special thanks to Franklin Stone for compiling this list. To see the CHA’s current leadership visit the Board page.
2015 Laurel Burr
2013-2014 Roy W. Sloane (Acting)
2010-2012 Dave ‘Paco’ Abraham
2008-2010 Jeff Strabone
2004-2008 C. Murray Adams
2000-2004 Roy W. Sloane
1996-2000 Franklin H. Stone
1992-1996 Jerry Armer
1990-1992 Kenneth Adams
1988-1990 Richard Hayes
1986-1990 Rufus Jarman
1982-1986 Roy W. Sloane
1980-1982 Lyn Spath
1978-1980 David LeBeau
1977 Selma Abramowitz
1976 Stanley Maurer
1975 Tom Spath

1974 Richard Sosis
1973 Alice Van Bolt
1972 Evan William
1971 Cortes De Russy
1971 Bernardi Friedberg
1970 Frank Decker
1969 Leo McCarthy
1968 George Polimeros
1967 C. Murray Adams
1966 David Beckly
1965 Jacob Hertz
1964 William Winship
1963 John Weber
1962 H. Dean Michener
1961 H. Dean Michener
1960 Frank Saker
1959 Frank Saker
1958 William A. Mason