New CHA Board

Dear Cobble Hill Community,

The CHA held our Annual Spring Meeting on Thursday evening, May 17.  Many community members were in attendance, both those familiar faces we often see and many new to our meetings.  The meeting was a testament to our great neighborhood and the community we maintain together. Remain a part of the CHA by JOINING again or for the first time.

The election of the CHA Executive Board was conducted without the same pomp and circumstance as the Royal Wedding of this morning, but it too was full of the possibilities of the future.  The slate of nominees proposed by the CHA Nominating Committee gave their introductions and the slate was voted in unanimously.

Please meet your new CHA Executive Board:

Amy Breedlove, President
Bennette Kramer, First Vice President
Amanda Sue Nichols, Second Vice President
Josh Vogel, Corresponding Secretary
Jennifer Burns, Recording Secretary
Daniel Yawitz, Treasurer
Matt DeSiena, Membership Secretary

Please join me in thanking the retiring board members and welcoming the new officers.  You will see our great traditions preserved and continued while new outreach and engagement opportunities presented.  The search for new officers brought forward great talent from our neighborhood and those who are not serving as an officer have agreed to work on CHA Committee work.  The CHA is thriving and growing.  Join us!

If you haven’t paid membership dues since May 1, 2018 you are not a current member.  Support our great neighborhood and community. Renew your membership here.

Amy Breedlove